Awesome, beautiful, amazing are three of many positive words that describes our Principal. Allika Thompson-Young, is a great intelligent Principal who is making a difference at MAST High School better, and in addition, she makes students feel loved and so much more. She has changed us in many ways, allowing us to be the young scholars we are today. The scholars some of us never thought we would be.
Not many of us new who Principal Thompson-Young was when she first came to MAST High School. She said she was nervous, but hopeful and excited. She saw a need and knew she was able to make a change no matter how nervous she was. Principal Thompson-Young always attempts to improve the school by asking students their opinions on what improvements are needed. She talks directly to the students. Currently she meets with three intelligent scholars, like myself, to get our thoughts on how to make the school better, as well as the ideas of other scholars. Any teacher at MAST will tell you that Principal Thompson-Young listens to the needs of the scholars.
I asked Principal Thompson-Young how she feels coming to work every day, and her face glowed. Before responding, I could see she loves what she does. Her response was it is very exciting to come to work, and she feels this is her purpose in life. She also said it gives her joy to know that she is impacting other lives whether the scholars or staff members; she loves seeing them find their purpose in life.
A few of Principal Thompson-Young’s goals and accomplishments include making school a safe space for students and staff, and creating a better academic and social environment. According to her, “It doesn’t end there,” as she wishes to accomplish the same goals she accomplished, but at a higher level. Principal Thompson-Young is a very kind person and unlike other Principals, her door is always open. If you stop by her office to ask a question or talk, she will pause to focus on you. For example, I conducted the interview for this article by stopping by her office to ask for a few moments. Principal Thompson-Young stopped what she was doing and took time to answer my questions. Of course, we must be respectful of her time and generosity, but it is comforting to know she has an open-door policy.
Students shared that Principal Thompson-Young is truly one of a kind and they’re glad she’s our Principal.Students also shared they love that she put students first and takes out time for them. Another student said, “she is amazing, funny, and beautiful. I love her!”“She is honestly the best, I hope she never leaves,” said a student.A mother to a seven-year-old son and a compassionate leader, Principal Thompson-Young is like a mother to so many and a one-of-a-kind leader to MAST.