Field Day is a time when you can forget about school academics, and enjoy activities and games with your friends on the field. Field day at MAST was my first time experiencing a field day. I thought it was going to be boring and not much of fun, but surprisingly I ended the day exhausted and happy. At first it was scary and nerve racking for me because I thought no one was going to play with me, or I wasn’t going to find any friends to play with, especially since we were split up into our Advisory groups. For some reason I didn’t think we would get along with each other, but I became friends with some of the people from my Advisory. As a result, my first Field Day at MAST was awesome and so much fun! MAST High School is in general a lot of fun. Most people are chill and cool, and overall very friendly. Students and staff make you feel very comfortable, and make you feel like you fit in. If I could rate my experience from 1-10 it would be a 10. Field Day 2021 was so much fun, I met new friends, and played fun games.