Have you suffered from depression? Do you know anyone who may be suffering from depression? People as young as 15 have suffered from depression and it is one of the most difficult mental illnesses. Depression can start from certain medical conditions, family history/genetics, and stress.

Stress is one of the most common causes of depression. People who suffer from the stress may try to find many ways to resolve what is causing the issue, and ways to change the outcome of their difficulties. According to Dennis Relojo-Howell (2018), when individuals are stressed, they begin to persistently think about what may be causing them to feel depressed. When people are exposed to stressors like losing a job or not being financially stable, they can cause that stress to build over time which can cause depression and problems in brain activity. The stressors of trying to resolve your problems can cause more damage and development of depression and that can be the number one cause of why many individuals are experiencing depressive moods.
Family history and genetics can be a widely known cause of depression. With family members such as a parent or a grandparent that has suffered from depression, it is a major risk factor and a high chance that depression can be genetically passed down. According to Beyond Blue (2020), depression can develop on personality traits when a person tends to worry a lot, having low self-esteem, or are self-critical and negative towards themselves depression can more likely be a factor. As people begin to become more aware of depression or begin to develop depression it is important to always know that even though it can be 40% genetic, those genes, your lifestyle, and your environment can determine how those depressive genes are expressed.
For more information about depression, please visit VeryWellMind.com and BeyondBlue.org. It is important to become aware of depression, how likely it is to get, and the effects that it can have on you.
Beyond Blue (2020). What causes depression. Retrieved From.
Howell-Relojo, D. (2018). How can stress cause depression overtime. Retrieved from
Schimelpfening (2020). Causes and risk factors of depression. Retrieved from